Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing. ― John Stuart Mill, Inaugural Address Delivered to the University of St Andrews, 2/1/1867
The people of Russia are not our enemies. Nor are the people of China. Or Ukraine, or the US, Canada, Germany, France, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Israel, Australia, New Zealand. Their leaders are our enemy. Our leaders are the enemy of all human beings because they no longer serve the interests of their people. They serve the interests of a few handfuls of families who control nearly every Fortune 500 company with the declared intent of enslaving the entire human species: “you will own nothing, and you will be happy.”[i] Ironically, unlike the Satanic tyrants of the past, this new breed of Satanic psychopaths does not have an army to impose its will. The evil of the Great Reset is so widespread, thorough and capillary that it merely relies on your compliance. The Devil needs compliance. And like all evil temptations, the Great Reset has no power over reason and compassion. Exercise your freewill, use your human compassion and rationality. Rid yourself of the temptation of becoming a slave freed from the burden of responsibility. Cast away Satan from your mind, embrace the responsibility of human freewill and get rid of the deceit of the Great Reset. You, your peers, your children, all of humanity depend on your willingness to fight the temptation of evil, for our survival. Let me give you some background.
Ralf Dahrendorf’s brilliant (and reassuringly succinct) 1995 essay, Economic Opportunity, Civil Society and Political Liberty,[ii] explained in broad strokes how the Post-War North of Europe and America enjoyed a brief period of phenomenal harmony where three of the greatest aspirations of any nation combined, namely, as per the title: growth, liberty and social cohesion. By and large though, over the decades different continental masses prioritized 2 of these components and sacrificed a third. So we see that North America opted for economic growth and political liberty at the expense of social cohesion, Europe sacrificed economic growth for the sake of political liberty and social cohesion, whereas Asia sacrificed political liberty in order to focus on social cohesion and growth. This simple analysis, as simple as it is extraordinary in its revelation, does not nevertheless, dwell on the drivers responsible for this moment of happy equilibrium, and the ensuing instability of the three components. With utmost humility I offer my readers what these two main drivers were: the need to rebuild nations razed to the ground by 2 world wars and the need to do it in a just manner in order to counter the Soviet threat and its populist rhetoric. Once the Soviet threat was no more, the need for a just society became a mere ideal objective without an active threat for its enforcement. Indeed, as Thomas Piketty, unequivocally validated in his monumental work, Capital in the Twenty-First Century,[iii] Western societies saw an increase in social mobility and a decline in inequality during the first 4 Post-War decades, only to be reversed by the end of the Century. Today the gap between haves and have-nots in Western societies is widening across the board, and the rate at which this gap widens accelerates with each novel (manufactured) crisis. What has happened is in fact, relatively simple (it always is if you take the time to sift through corporate propaganda and stick to the facts). In the West, the family dynasties at the head of the capital monopolies that were taking shape, families whose fortunes were largely made through profiting from both sides of the Second World War, devised a plan to divest from their national interests and participate in the growth of developing nations, especially China. At the same time, they heavily lobbied and gaslighted the public, governments and institutions on the vital need to dramatically reduce the cost of labor in the West in order for the West to remain competitive, thus reaping rewards both at home and abroad. This manufactured destruction of the cost of labor in the West reached its apex with the creation of human trafficking highways to import millions of illegal immigrants in the world’s most developed societies. Let it be clear that the governments who fund NGOs that collaborate with human traffickers do not care in the slightest about how many men, women and children, die, are tortured or raped along the way, as long as they can destroy the cost of labor at home. As a Romanian sailor I met on a Maltese ferry brilliantly explained when asked how come he moved from Italy to Malta: “I was earning €12 per hour, then the Nigerians came who worked for €5 per hour, and I had to leave”. By today’s standards, €12 per hour, being what I was earning as a sailor 40 years ago, is already low for an Italian sailor, but corporate greed being an unhinged instinct that knows no ethical boundary, given an opportunity to further slash cost of labor will take the opportunity. Don’t let anyone fool you into thinking that our corrupt governments are colluding with international human trafficking crime syndicates in the interest of its victims. Destroying our wealth nevertheless, proved insufficient to the WW2 dynasties, because of the threat of popular revolts. Certainly, with the collapse of the Soviet Union such a threat became more distant, but the more they squeezed their populations the more the risk of a spontaneous popular rebellion became possible. They had to also eliminate every other form of rights and freedoms that we acquired through 2 and a half Millenia of Helleno-Christian democratic evolution, thus the Great Reset and Covid. Today we are witnessing a coordinated global attempt by a handful of dynasties at the head of every MNC to overthrow democracies worldwide and erase once and for all the memory of Western civilisations and their inherent knowledge. For years, even a careful observer of global dynamics, such as I repute myself to be, believed that Globalization was a movement to export democracy, whereas in fact it had been all along, a ploy to destroy democracies at home.
While the roots of the Great Reset tyranny, may run deeper in time, possibly tangled in the long history of masonic attempts to overthrow Church and State, they became crystal clear from 9/11 onward.
9/11, Iraq’s WMDs and Covid
On September 11, 2001, I was on a cross-Atlantic flight when the towers came down. When I landed and checked in to my hotel, just like everyone else a few hours before, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing on the news. That night I wrote home to say, “I don’t know who did it, but I know 3 things: we will witness a militarization of domestic and international policies, a rise in covert operations and a clamp down on civil liberties.” Of course, all three happened almost immediately and at such a speed to make my prediction so obvious as to seem devoid any special merit. What I did not foresee was the string of wars for profit that followed, and the fact that with just a bit of corporate propaganda spiced up with governmental patriotic posturing, people would soon lose interest in finding out what really happened. As later acknowledged by the European Physical Society, we always knew that the collapse of the towers of the World Trade Centre could only have been produced by a controlled demolition.[iv] Finally, even government linked institutions are at last trying to clear their consciences and come clean of government/corporate lies. Long before though, we knew the absurdity of the official narrative to be utterly incredible. The idea that a bunch of semi-illiterate goat herders seamlessly piloted commercial airliners into a pinhole, just on an amateur private pilot license is utterly ridiculous. Anyone who has ever managed any sort of aircraft knows it is simply impossible. As Gore Vidal wrote 1 year after the attack:
When the thesis that the pilot had learned to fly at the school to fly over puddles began to lose ground, they added that he had received some more training on a flight simulator. It's like saying you can prepare your teenage daughter for her first time on the I-40 at rush hour by buying her a video game where you learn to drive.[v]
And yet, between the terrorist attack and the following war in Afghanistan, tens of thousands of innocent human beings lost their lives, because we chose to ‘look on and do nothing’.
The false flag conspiracy of Iraq’s WMDs was even more blatant. This time the WW2 dynasties and their Neocon thugs did not even bother to cover up their lies. Just days into the invasion of Iraq, we were told that the story of Iraq illegally stockpiling WMDs was all a joke, yet no one was held accountable, not even slightly reprimanded. On the contrary, the plan to profit from war and the spoils of war, proceeded unperturbed as if nothing at all had happened. Once again human lives were lost through deceit, only this time the death toll rose by an order of magnitude. Just like tens of thousands of innocent human beings died when we looked away after 9/11, this time hundreds of thousands of innocent human beings died because we ‘looked on and did nothing’, against the lies of WMDs in Iraq.
Covid took mass-murder to a whole new realm. Not only the death toll jumped by at least another order of magnitude since the WMDs deceit, it also represents a drastic paradigm shift on the management of populations and how the WW2 dynasties intend to deal with us.
Conclusion, the Radicalization of Mass Population Control
As Bill Joy, then CIO of Sun Microsystems commented for Wired two decades ago, citing the chilling prophecies of the Unabomber, our rulers’ handling of the masses has veered from sympathetic to murderous:
Due to improved techniques the elite will have greater control over the masses; and because human work will no longer be necessary the masses will be superfluous, a useless burden on the system. If the elite is ruthless they may simply decide to exterminate the mass of humanity. If they are humane they may use propaganda or other psychological or biological techniques to reduce the birth rate until the mass of humanity becomes extinct, leaving the world to the elite. Or, if the elite consists of soft-hearted liberals, they may decide to play the role of good shepherds to the rest of the human race. They will see to it that everyone's physical needs are satisfied, that all children are raised under psychologically hygienic conditions, that everyone has a wholesome hobby to keep him busy, and that anyone who may become dissatisfied undergoes “treatment” to cure his “problem.” Of course, life will be so purposeless that people will have to be biologically or psychologically engineered either to remove their need for the power process or make them “sublimate” their drive for power into some harmless hobby. These engineered human beings may be happy in such a society, but they will most certainly not be free. They will have been reduced to the status of domestic animals. [vi]
For decades the social paradigm employed by the WW2 dynasties and their servants in governments was to keep us busy with work, inflation, rising cost of living, and gaslight us with false civil rights struggles such as intersectional feminism, gay rights, critical race theory, while numbing and dumbing us with trivial entertainment, drugs, pornography and video games, or in the best of cases, some healthy hobby for the more resilient amongst us… all conceived to prevent us from delving into the crimes of our ruling class. The surprise election of an interloper in 2016, forced our rulers to dramatically shift their approach to their subjects, away from the ‘good shepherd’ idea of raising content domesticated pets and straight to mass killings. With the sole exceptions of the Spanish Flu, resulting from the devastation of the First World War, every pandemic for the last several centuries have primarily hit countries with poor infrastructure and limited knowledge of medicine. Covid instead killed almost exclusively residents of China, that provided the precedent for the adoption of illegal mandates and lockdowns, and Western democracies, the true target of the Covid pandemic, where governments in occult collusion with pharmaceutical corporations trampled our democracies and our constitutions with blackmail and killed millions of innocent human beings through the imposition of medical malpractices that revealed themselves deadly, and the suppression of legitimate protocols that successfully eradicated Covid in the rest of the world, as well as the persecution of those brave doctors that continued to save human lives notwithstanding the persecution of their respective governments and institutions. This is all out in the open now. We know that Covid deaths were largely due to malpractice rather than the viral disease. We know that disinformation and persecution prevented millions from being cured. And we know that our governments still refuse to publicly release the agreements they made with pharmaceutical corporations.
Schumpeter warned us of a coming oligopoly that would monopolize every instrument of wealth creation and distribution in the world.[vii] Eisenhower warned us of the military industrial complex and its greed for perpetual war.[viii] Bertrand Russel warned us of the use of ‘injections and injunctions’ to subdue populations.[ix] And now it has all come together under our very eyes. So, what are you going to do? The WEF, Wall Street’s most powerful global lobby, publicly boasts they have successfully ‘penetrated’ our sovereign governments.[x] The CCP publicly boasts they have successfully infiltrated Wall Street.[xi] And, after lying to us for 3 years, our governments finally acknowledge Covid was funded by the NIH[xii] and leaked from a Wuhan lab,[xiii] So, we know that we have been hit by a synthetic virus covertly developed in China with US funds and technology. We know the death toll was entirely concentrated in China and the West. We know that these deaths were to a large extent the direct result of medical malpractices. Are we going to hold accountable the people responsible for the millions of innocent lives lost, or are we going to ‘look on and do nothing’ once again?
Tens of thousands of human beings died when we ‘looked on and did nothing’ after 9/11. Hundreds of Thousands died when we ‘looked on and did nothing’ after the WMDs lie. Are we going to ‘look on and do nothing’ once again now that the death toll of innocent lives has run into the millions? The killing will not subside until those responsible for these crimes are held accountable. Our brethren will continue to be culled in ever rising orders of magnitude until we decide to put an end to the demoniac madness of the Great Reset. And all we need to do is merely to just stop playing along with ridiculous corporate narratives we all know to be lies. It may require a little discomfort at first as you break free from the fabricated mould of social conformity that corporations have layered over you, but do bear in mind that if you ‘look on and do nothing’ again, the death toll you will be responsible for will soon run into the hundreds of millions. Do not surrender to the Satanic temptation of becoming a soulless slave. Rekindle your human reason and compassion, and resume practicing the divine sanctity of human freewill. Your fate, that of your children and all your human brethren depend on your individual willingness to resist the demoniac temptation of surrendering to the lies of the Great Reset, thus offering Satan the compliance he seeks, but to preserve and remain faithful to your humanity, through the practice of our distinctive human attributes: reason, compassion and freewill.
Copyright © Carmelo Pistorio 2023
References & Further Reading
[i] WEF 8 Predictions for the World in 2030 (2020)
[ii] Ralf Dahrendorf, Economic Opportunity, Civil Society and Political Liberty, UNRISD (1995)
[iii] Thomas Piketty, Capital in the Twenty-First Century
[iv] Steven Jones, Robert Karol, Anthony Szamboti, Ted Walter, 15 Years Later: On the Physics of High-Rise Building Collapse, Europhysics News, European Physical Society (2016)
[v] Gore Vidal, Le Menzogne dell’Impero, Fazi Editori (2002) p. 22
[vi] Bill Joy, Why the Future Doesn’t Need Us, Wired (2002)
[vii] Joseph Schumpeter, Capitalism, Socialism & Democracy, Harper & Brothers (1942)
[viii] Eisenhower’s Farewell Address Jan 17, 1961
[ix] “Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible. Even if all are miserable, all will believe themselves happy, because the government will tell them that they are so." Bertrand Russel, The Impact of Science on Society, Simon and Schuster (1952)
[x] Kaus Schwab at Harvard, We Penetrate the Cabinets, Harvard University (2017)
[xi] i. Chinese professor boasts about Beijing’s influence in ‘America’s core inner circle’, hails Biden victory,, Dec 10,2020
ii. Top Chinese professor boasts of operatives in top of US ‘core inner circle’, New York Post Dec 8, 2020
[xii] NIH Admits US Funded Gain-of-Function in Wuhan — despite Fauci’s denials, New York Post, Oct 21, 2021
[xiii] i. Lab Leak Most Likely Origin of Covid-19 Pandemic, Energy Department Now Says, Wall Street Journal, Feb 26, 2023
ii. Chinese Lab Leak Likely Behind Covid Outbreak: US Energy Department, New York Post, Feb 26, 2023