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Referendum to Authorise Known Covid Treatments

SARS-CoV-2, the virus at the heart of the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent economic crisis is a novel coronavirus often presented as untreatable. This portrayal of SARS-CoV-2 does not reflect the reality experienced around the world[i]. By February 2020 Japan had adopted nationwide usage of Avigan, a drug developed by Fujifilm in 2014 for the treatment of Ebola. The success of the treatment was immediately reflected in the stock market performance of Fujifilm’s share price[ii], as annalists easily expected this pharmaceutical to be widely adopted around the world. Within just a few months 43 countries, adopted Avigan or its licensed generic product Favipiravir[iii].

Similarly, Hydroxychloroquine, adopted by independent doctors in the US early in 2020 and repudiated by governing health authorities as well as the media for entirely unscientific reasons, has also saved hundreds of thousands, possibly millions of lives around the world.

Most notably, while still shunned by authorities in advanced Western liberal democracies, according to studies published by an American medical team led by Drs Pierre Kory and Paul Marik, Ivermectin has played an extraordinary role in allowing billions of human beings around the world to resume their normal lives, and in particular this repurposed drug has played a singular role in India’s spectacular ability to swiftly resolve its recent endemic peak of the Delta variant[iv].

Whether or not the immobility of the WHO, the CDC and the health authorities in advanced Western liberal democracies, countries where governing bodies are heavily influenced by multinational corporations, are in some manner justifiable, the devastating human and economic cost on our societies is indisputable. Western liberal democracies have suffered far higher Covid deaths per million than countries that adopted early treatments (Italy for example suffered 7 times more Covid Deaths per million than India)[v] and their economies have suffered from far more protracted lockdowns than any other region on the planet[vi].

As a case in point, the EU and the US alone, with a total population of 844 million, roughly 1/10th of the world population, have suffered (as of 24 Aug 2021) 1,807,896 deaths, nearly half of all the world’s mortality[vii]. Although some factors such as aging populations are to be taken into consideration, they cannot outweigh the importance of the role played by repurposed drugs. Japan for example, a very early adopter of repurposed drugs, with a median population of 48.6 years has had 12 times fewer Covid-19 deaths per million than a younger country such as Italy with a median ag of 46.7 years which refused repurposed drugs[viii].

With the flu season around the corner once again in the Northern Hemisphere, and the efficacy of Covid vaccines questionable at best, we urge through this referendum that medical institutions and medical professionals be allowed to utilise open protocols developed by independent medical associations relying on repurposed drugs such as Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, as well as authorise medical institutions and medical professionals to rely on their best judgement on how to best treat and provide early treatment for Covid patients and suspected Covid patients. There is no reason in the world we should let anyone else die needlessly.

For inquiries please contact: [ii] [iii] [iv] [v] [vi] [vii] [viii]



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