“We don't care, the United States and NATO, we do not care how many Ukrainians die, not civilians, not women, not children, not soldiers, we do not care. It's become a great football game, you know we've got our team, they've got our team ‘rah-rah’, we want to get the biggest score and run it up and we don't care how many of our players get crippled on the playing field as long as we win (…) but I don't think Ukraine has anything to do with the decision about peace or war. I think the decision about peace or war is made in Washington DC. As long as we want the war to continue, we will fight that war using Ukrainians as proxies and we will fight it to the last Ukrainian death.” — USMC Col. Richard Black, Schiller Institute
Stalin famously said the death of one man is a tragedy but that of a million man is a statistic. We have become completely desensitised towards death and suffering. For decades now corporations through our governments and institutions have promoted drug dependency and drug abuse, ethnically targeted abortions and euthanasia peddled to ever younger populations, so that overtime, as long as we are spared images of people dying, the death toll of any war is just a statistic in our in the back of our mind. No matter how squeamish we have we have become at the site of blood in the meat we purchase from the supermarket, we are completely estranged from the suffering of our brethren around us. We have learned to block from our mind the image of a young man bleeding to death in the trenches with the same ease we block the site of the drug addict sleeping in the street we cross every day to work. Decades of morbid nihilism taught in schools across the West has yielded a generation of insensitive fools.
Just like the 2 Minute Hate program from 1984 where Big Brother daily summoned its brainwashed subjects to publicly lash out at the current enemy, I have seen countless fellow citizens with absolutely no knowledge of the matter at hand, people who wouldn’t even be able to find Ukraine on a world map, lashing out at the latest enemy announced by our corporations and declare unconditional loyalty to the latest hero to appear on the cover of Vogue. We have become even more brainwashed and ridiculous than Orwell could ever have imagined. In a recent appearance on CNN Town Hall former US President Donald Trump, was incited by the posh and meticulously manicured host, Kaitlan Collins with a senseless comment, “it sounds like you don’t want Ukraine to win,” she said. To which Trump answered that it’s not about winning or losing, it’s about putting an end to people dying. As ironic as it may sound, the rather brutish interloper who nearly derailed the Great Reset’s global coup, notwithstanding his simplistic manners, appears far more reasonable and humane than all the refined politicians and TV celebrities who mindlessly advocate for war and dispose of human lives as if they were old worn-out shoes. We have become as heartless as we are mindless.
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At least those who grew up behind the Iron Curtain are not as foolish as we’ve become. A Russian and Ukrainian couple living in the West that I met over the summer gave me a ray of hope. I asked them how the war affected their relationship. She replied, “it didn’t. We both know our governments are lying to us.’ In the West instead, millions of people jump at the whistle of corporate media like a bunch of trained monkeys. How have we become so foolish?
I’m not here to argue who is right and who is wrong, whether the war could’ve been avoided or not. I, just like everyone I know, whether Russians, Ukrainians, Eastern Europeans, Western Europeans, or Americans were all shocked to see Russian tanks roll into Ukraine. My far humbler aspiration is to help my fellow citizens restore that human common sense still alive in people who, like the Russian-Ukrainian couple I just mentioned, have not had their humanity smothered by half a century of consumer complacency and materialistic nihilism. The objective of these 10 minutes is merely to demonstrate that the corporate fairy tale of a unprovoked war in Ukraine is nothing more than a silly fairy tale.
We already should know that Ukraine has suffered immensely over the course of the past century. Stalin deliberately starved 3.5 to 5 million Ukrainians during the Holodomor genocide, and unlike the Holocaust, post-Soviet Russia has yet to acknowledge the horrors Ukraine endured. Any lasting peace between the 2 countries must necessarily acknowledge the Soviet genocide in Ukraine. Russia has never had a Willy Brandt moment, when the then German Chancellor kneeled in Warsaw’s Ghetto pleading the Jewish people and the people of the world, atonement for the sins of his predecessors. Already back in 1993, right after the fall of the Wall, the great Samuel Huntington warned us in his ground-breaking and bleakly premonitory essay, The Clash of Civilisations that the border between Russia and Ukraine would prove to be one of the most volatile fault lines of the post-Cold War world. So how can we light-heartedly dismiss Russian claims of human rights abuse against ethnic Russians in Ukraine. To imagine how horrible the memory of Soviet genocide must be in Ukraine, simply bear in mind that during the Nazi invasion of Ukraine, the Ukrainian people found in Hitler a saviour from Soviet oppression. That’s how horrible things were when the Russians ruled over Ukraine. But even without going to into the merit of Russian allegations it is extremely simple for any conscientious person possessing compassion, reason and goodwill to dismantle the corrupt deceitful rhetoric of corporate controlled NATO governments. I will cite just 2 widely known pieces of evidence readily available in the public domain: Rand Corporations report Extending Russia and the leaked telephone conversation between US State Department’s Victoria Nuland and US ambassador to Ukraine Jeffrey Pyatt. The Rand Corporation, a vital US military consultant, clearly explains black on white how the US must pursue policies of destabilisation in Ukraine. The leaked phone call instead, demonstrates beyond any reasonable doubt, that the 2014 coup that replaced an elected government in Ukraine was by and large planned in Washington. Links to these documents are provided in the notes.
If we choose to believe the propaganda of our merciless corporations and their servants in our governments, media and institutions, we become accomplices of their crimes. Great civilisations are never conquered, they collapse from within. Ever since the end of World War II the 2 largest Christian regions of the world have been incessantly at gunpoint. In one sphere Communism for several decades suppressed Christianity and its 2 Millenia of human progress, whereas in the other sphere corporations are actively forging, both explicit and covert, alliances with rising pre-Christian totalitarian empires in the hope to destabilise the world and overthrow Western democracies. This rivalry recalls the Civil War that consumed the Roman Empire in the 6th Century provoking the collapse of the Western Empire at the hands of illiterate Lombards, hunter-gatherer nomads that unlike the ruling Goths did not share centuries of assimilation into Roman society, and put an abrupt end to Roman law, heritage and institutions, that had survived until then. Shortly after, the two most advanced civilisations surviving the collapse of the West, the Byzantine Empire and the Persian Empire continued to engage foreign nomadic peoples, such as the Bedouins of the Arabic desert, in their perpetual wars and rivalry, until exhausted those very same illiterate Bedouins who until then were used as mercenaries by both sides, simply walked into Jerusalem and became the rulers of the Holy City without as much of a fight, and shortly after conquered all of Persia as well. Today, if we do not put an end to this perpetual war between the two most socially and technologically advanced societies in human history, both engaging in proxy wars and relying on far more primitive allies that refute the Hellenic and Christian sanctity of the human individual, we risk a similar collapse. Only that this time the new barbarians possess nuclear technology. None of Mohamed’s 9 swords were forged by Arabs. At the time, the Bedouins were still locked in the hunter-gather stage of human development, having yet to learn agriculture and practicing only the most rudimentary forms of animal rearing. If, after the fall of Jerusalem, it took humanity nearly a thousand years to resume its evolutionary journey towards individual emancipation, this time humanity may never survive the new dark ages that will follow the collapse of Western civilisations.
Finally, though out of time and will thus explain next week, no matter how despicable he may be, it wasn’t Putin that killed 6 million innocent human beings, primarily in the world’s most advanced societies, with a synthetic virus. Please rid yourself of corporate propaganda and renew your human common sense. We must put an end to corporate sponsored wars. As Ret. Gen Michael Flynn, said in a great interview with my dear friend Guya Mariani for Visione TV, “Wars only benefit those who don’t need to fight them.”
Copyright © Carmelo Pistorio 2023
References and Further Reading
1. Arms Sale: USA vs Russia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BACFdr9dDLY
2. Interview with USMC Col. Richard Black, Schiller Institute https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcp0TYx_eUI
3. CNN Town Hall with former President Donald Trump (May 2023) https://edition.cnn.com/politics/live-news/trump-cnn-town-hall/index.html
4. Samuel Huntington, The Clash of Civilisations Foreign Affairs (1993) https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/united-states/1993-06-01/clash-civilizations
5. John Mearsheimer The Case for Ukrainian Nuclear Deterrent Foreign Affairs (1993) https://www.mearsheimer.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Mearsheimer-Case-for-Ukrainian-Nuclear-Deterrent.pdf
6. Recorded conversation between Asst. Sec of State Victoria Nuland and Amb. Jeffrey Pyatt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JoW75J5bnnE
7. Interview with Raphael Cohen, Rand Corporation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJdbAUJIcGY
8. Rand Corporation, Extending Russia report https://www.rand.org/pubs/research_reports/RR3063.html
9. Interview of Guya Mariani with Gen Michael Flynn, Visione TV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=USdEO2-MAcU