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Cheater Takes All, Solve et Coagula to Conquer the World

Rich Uncle Pennybags (Monopoly) - Baphomet - Stalin

If you ever played Monopoly as a child, you probably remember how money was distributed during the game. One of the children was chosen as the banker and it was up to him or her to dispense money at the beginning of the game and every time a player passed through the Go Square. In monopoly the role of the banker was purely honorific, and while it makes perfect sense for a bank to be remunerated for its work, imagine what would happen if the bank appropriated the authority to issue itself any sum of money it desired. Let's say that all the players started with $100, but during the game the bank issues itself a few $1000 several times. Suddenly the $100 of every other player is worth nothing. That is exactly what has been happening in the world's most advanced societies for the last several decades.

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The great Austrian economist Joseph Schumpeter had foreseen even before the tides of war shifted in 1942, that the success of Capitalism would create a concentration of power so terribly skewed to eventually annihilate private property, free markets, entrepreneurship, and innovation, substituting them with a novel form of global corporate controlled Socialism. For centuries entrepreneurship played a central role in the development of Western societies through the process of creative destruction, that is the use of relentless innovation to create better and more efficient means of production and distribution of wealth. But as these markets became saturated the dominant economic powers begun focusing on the efficiency of their monopolies rather than creating novel methods of wealth creation.

A recurrent motto within powerful Masonic lodges is borrowed from Medieval alchemist tradition and is also a common satanic inspiration. The phrase solve et coagula, associated with the Prince of Hell Baphomet, is a fundamental principle of alchemy as well as different Freemason societies. The medieval alchemist, led by the belief that gold was the purest of all metals, sought to dissolve and coagulate lower metals to attain a purer substance. This underlying principle can be understood by comparing it to another Latin maxim, dividi et impera, divide and conquer. But whereas the latter refers to pitting populations against each other as Caesar had successfully done in Gaul by creating distrust amongst rival tribes and amongst different social classes within these tribes, a method revived by our current rulers through the exploitation of identity politics, the alchemist principle of solve et coagula is far more subtle. Our rulers have adapted the principle to managing our societies in the same way as the alchemist endeavoured to rid lower metals of perceived impurities, by melting them, separating the less pure elements, and consolidating what remained. It is more than just a process of divide and conquer, it is process of fine tuning the system’s efficiency, a process of refinement of society by discarding that which is perceived impure. Once you start to look at our government policies through their Masonic prism, eugenic policies shamelessly paraded as ‘liberal’ and peddled as civil rights, policies such as abortion, drug dependency and euthanasia, become finally clear, especially when considering that these policies predominantly target the unproductive, thus undesirable, sectors of society. It is nevertheless in the management of our economies that the Masonic mould adopted by our governments throughout the West becomes categorically self-evident.

Already in the 1980s when, at the end of a long growth cycle, markets in the West had become saturated, consulting companies such as McKenzie became the stars of Western economies, helping corporations increase their profits by reducing internal costs. Corporate managers of course adored consulting firms because they could outsource the ugly axing exercises to them, avoiding the painful task of retrenching their own staff, while at the same covering their backs with gilded brand names of celebrity firms. An old adage in the innovation business says “no one ever got fired for choosing IBM.” In the 80s and 90s this adage could very well have been rewritten as “no one ever got fired for choosing McKenzie,” even if the company would’ve perished under McKinsey’s axe. (A pillar of success for the consulting industry was the necessary disclaimer exonerating consultants from any liabilities for their advice. Thus, the consultant was not responsible for the suggestions it made, and the manager could blame the consultant for the decisions taken. Consultants and corporations became best of friends so that no would ever be held accountable, no matter how poorly they performed).

Government expenditure as percentage of GDP (IMF)

Of course, this mechanism for corporations to avoid responsibilities discovered in the 80s was just a taste of how truly corrupt our industries would become. The main instrument of government interference in free societies comes from the creation of inflationary capital in favour of corporations. A long string of crisis and bailouts has created an unprecedented degree of government involvement in the economies of Western democracies comparable only to the extraordinary conditions of the 2 World Wars. Whereas in the West, government spending has traditionally represented around 10% of our countries’ GDP, this ratio shut up to around 70% during World War 1 and then again during World War 2, only to settle back in its traditional ratio right after each war. Over the last several decades this ratio has spiked to around 50%, which means that governments in developed Western democracies exploit their citizens as if we were at war. Whether it be financial crisis, pandemics or war, these instruments provide the solve component of the Masonic equation by destroying private businesses and looting generational savings. And each crisis is always immediately followed by greater government intervention through taxes and inflationary capital to consolidate an ever growing share of a country’s sovereign economy in the hands of governments and their globalised corporate quagmire. That’s the coagula part of the equation. Companies thus acquired become silent and acquiescent because no one bites the hands that feeds them. And the more power government bureaucrats acquire over a nation on behalf of corporations, exploiting tax-payers savings, the more that society will be corrupt and their people subjugated.

Yet the Masonic corporate chokehold our governments exercise on our economies and societies does not stop at the implementation of eugenic policies and the transfer of wealth to corporations through the predatory abolition of free markets, private property, entrepreneurship and innovation. Like the famous analogy of the frog in the pot that doesn’t realise it’s being cooked alive, many of us failed to realise how our governments were systematically syphoning away our livelihoods through crisis and inflation. Until the 2016 US Presidential election threw a wrench in the Masonic machine. Hate him or love him, the utterly unexpected election of Trump in 2016 broke the slow cooking pot and nearly shattered the masonic yoke of perpetual war, crisis and inflation. Needless to say, since 2016 we all have seen the senseless and gratuitous degree of phenomenal violence our governments and corporations have resorted to in order to suppress the interloper. Suffice to say that the support Trump lacked in corporate America was entirely made up for the support he received from the military, for one very simple reason. American soldiers have tired of risking their lives and dying, not for their country, but for the corrupt bottomless greed of a cruel and perverse global elite.

Orwell of course had correctly predicted that soon enough wars would no longer be fought to be won, but to maintain a permanent state of crisis. This novel form of corporate sponsored governments imposed through a permanent state of emergency aimed at enslaving populations is directly borrowed from the Masonic use of alchemic principles. This endless cycles of crisis and inflation, solve et coagula, forcefully dismantling private property, free markets, entrepreneurship, innovation, and all the conquered liberties of advanced democracies, will continue until, in the words of the Great Reset we “will own nothing and will be happy.” Of course, they omit to advertise that it will be a happiness at gunpoint and anyone who refuses to be cast in Baphomet’s Masonic mould will be culled. Our human nature requires every one of us to gain consciousness of the forces that are destroying our societies and act to stop and reverse these mechanisms of corruption. We need to sever the incestuous relationship between corporations and governments, defend private property and free markets, sustain entrepreneurship and innovation, because we can see now quite clearly that describing our governments as satanic is no longer a hyperbole.

Copyright © Carmelo Pistorio 2023



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