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Counter-Disinformation Center

"Prima ti deligittimano, poi ti isolano e poi ti amazzano."

(First they delegitimise you, then they isolate you and then they kill you).— Giovanni Falcone

The Information Age, an age where mankind was expected to rise above ignorance once and forever, has failed humanity as of today. In fact, notwithstanding the unfathomable amount of information we readily have available at the tip of our fingers, human beings have never been so easily deceived in the entire history of our species. Levers of debt, economic control  and social pressures have corraled every mainstream source of information into very few corporate hands and corporate allies in government and public institutions with the aim of ushering a New World Order, vaguely defined by its authors as the Great Reset. As the coprorations at the head of these vehicles of information get ready to replace sovereign governments with their own concept of global oligopolies, these public outlets of information have become instruments of ubiquitous and systemic disinformation. As of today all major trusted sources of news we had relied on for decades are now completely untrustworthy, disseminating corporate propaganda, disinformation, peddling fear, sowing hate and division, and telling outright lies. From propaganda about the superiority of proto-historical social models, euphemistically rebranding tyranny with the term 'collective', to the mystification of the horrors of democracies and their consensus societies, from the fabrications around race and gender to the spreading of deadly disinformation on legitimate cures for Covid, mainstream media is now a circus of horrific lies that cannot in any manner be trusted, possibly ever again. Fortunately for humanity, technology is a double-edged sword, and in the same way that corporations have hijacked traditional forms of information to sow fear, hate and division, tens of thousands of novel realities have sprung up around the world to counter the false and seditious narrative of those who wish to usher the neolithic Great Reset dystopia.What we have seen coming to life in recent years, and rapidly growing in the last two years of hammering false Covid narrative, is the rise of a global army of citizen journalism. During the Draconian Covid assault on freedom of speech, the most authoritative voices in the world with regards to epidemiology have been blatantly harassed, discredited and censored. And yet governments, corporations and institutions colluding with Great Reset subversives have dramatically failed to silence these voices of reason, as the global armies of citizen journalism and digital soldiers have sprung to life to bring these voices of reason and truth to the public. Today a lone pod-caster such as Joe Rogan, who regularly invites censored experts to vice their forbidden concerns on his show, has a higher prime-time viewership than several leading corporate networks put together. It is a David and Goliath story worthy of the Battle of Marathon, and it has proved to be the most important weapon in saving humanity form the onslaught of the Covid tyranny dreamt by the Great Reset. Here at the Counter-Disinformation Center I try to collect some of the most important documnets, voices and outlets to help you counter the lies of the Great Reset.


  • Scenarios for the Future, Rockerfeller Foundation, 2010 - In 2010 a Rockefeller  Foundation think tank drafted a series of potential scenarios that might evolve in the global landscape over the next decades. While these scenarios were allegedly supposed to give insight on the role charitable foundations could play in the near future, it is today clear that the Lockstep Scenario provided in this document proved to be the chosen blueprint for the exploitation of Covid as an opportunity for the Great Reset to subvert democracies around the world and usher their dystopian tyranny

  • Lawsuit filed at the International Criminal Court of  The Hague for crimes against humnaity, 2021 -

  • Spartacus Letter

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  • Event 201 - On October 18 2019, just weeks before whistleblowers in Wuhan would reveal the spread of mysterious new virus that was initially covered up and then falsely attributed to be of animal origin from a wet market, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation together with the World Economic Forum held a 'rehearsal' for government leaders on how to handle 'information' during a pandemic
  • Dr Peter McCullough

  • Dr Simone Gold

  • Dr David Martin

  • Dr Pierre Kory

  • Dr Stella Immanuel

  • Dr Lee Merritt

  • Dr Richard Fleming

  • Dr Reiner Fuellmich

  • Dr John Lee

  • Dr Paul Marik

  • Prof Luc Montagnier (Nobel laureate)

  • Dr Kary Mullis (Nobel laureate, PCR test inventor)

  • Dr Michael Yeadon (former Pfizer VP)

  • Dr Vernon Coleman

  • Dr Robert Malone (mRNA inventor)

  • Dr Geert Vanden Bossch (former Gates Foundation lead virologist)

  • Dr Joseph Mercola

  • Prof Didier Raoult

  • Dott Giuseppe De Donno (mysteriously committed ‘suicide’)

  • Dr Silvana de Mari

  • Dr Alessandro Meluzzi

  • Dr Peter Doshi

  • Dr Vladimir Zelenko

  • Dr Sucharit Bhakdi

  • Dr Michael Levitt (Nobel laureate)

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