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The Spiritual Universe

It must not come as a surprise that the apogee of human evolution coincides with its most fragile moment, for while Matter is a manifestation of our Consciousness, the Physical Universe we perceive is a collective construction. We know ther is an underlying unity to all physical manifestations. If an object can only manifest itself in the presence of a sentient being, it is logical to assume that sentient being is the author of said object and that the object is a procduct of that being’s mind. But when two or more sentient beings and all sentient beings within sensorial reach of an object perceive the same exact object in a defined time and location, we can only conclude that the minds of these sensient beings are all connected and indeed we can deduce that there is but One mind unifying all living creatures in this Universe. Yet, whatever enters our Universe gets innevitably caught in the duality that characterizes all of our experiences. From the moment the sound ‘Om’ separated Light and Darkness, at the time the Big Bang separated energy and matter, duality became an inescapable reality. Fortunately this Duality is illusory as it is a construction of our mind. Humans are priviledged creatures for we have the tools to escape Duality and understand the unity that lies beyond of physical world, and we are longing for this escape. As a longing for the womb, all human beings seek to escape the confines of Love and Hate, Pleasure and Pain, Joy and Sorrow, Life and Death, and experience the bliss that lies beyond the world of our senses.

While attempting to learn all I could on the mechanisms of this Universe, I have also consistently tried to transcend it, to escape its Duality and embrace the unity that lies beyond our sensorial world. Here I will share my experiences with those moments I have been given to catch a glimpse of what lies beyond our physical vessels, and the practices that help us explore the Spiritual Universe, such as Art, Music, Devotion, Nature, and Mysticism. 

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